Saturday, January 30, 2010

Winter's One!!!

Today was Winter's first birthday. One year ago Israel and I met our little girl...Hard to believe how quickly 365 days go by, especially when I think of those long first weeks. Winter is amazing. Just amazing. Here are some photos of today's festivities, in chronological order...

Winter plays with her presents from us...

Winter loves her blocks in a wagon!

Papa and Winter talked to Los Abuelos on Skype:

Then we needed a nursing break!

Frosting the cake, in a playful fashion:

Papa did the fine print:

Winter had many friends at her party:

There was feasting and merry-making a plenty:

Winter loved her first sugary food!

All in all, a wonderful day. I only got teary eyed at 4:55, or 7:55 Ontario time...the moment last year that Winter emerged and Israel and I got to see our daughter for the first time. I never get tired of looking at her....HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY BABY GIRL!!!!
